
Showing posts from November, 2020


A long time ago there was a blueberry. B lueberries are blue and a lot of people eat them. C ats might enjoy eating blueberries because they are good.  D avid loved blueberries and he always ate them. E very single day he ate at least three blueberries.  F our of his friends told him that they didn’t like blueberries so he cried.  G athering around with friends and eating blueberries was something that David did every day. H e never went a day without eating one, until one day.  I t was a usual day at David’s house.  J ust before he was about to eat his blueberries when he saw one that was very big.  K evin usually eats the big ones because they were the only ones that he likes. Licking and chewing them is David’s favorite part. M ost of the time he just eats as many as he can at one ti me. N othing could stop him from eating his blueberries except apples and oranges.  O ther fruits make him not want to eat blueberries.  P omegranates can sometim...